Impending Apocolypse…?!!

       This morning I went to the grocery store. There were a lot of people, and the line ups were long…..upon entering the store, I noticed a lack of products and a lack of common respect among the patrons, (someone actually rammed me with their cart!). 

       I immediately started to panic and questioned, “Why was my mom not here to help me through this?”  She would know exactly what to do and what to buy, she always knew what we needed…. 

and then I remembered,
                                   ……… ‘I’am here…and ‘I’ am her legacy! 

       She trained me for this shit. 

       Let me tell you about my mom...she raised our entire family with next to no money. I remember the days of ketchup sandwiches because there was nothing else to go in between the bread. Breakfast for dinner is a real thing because pancakes are cheap and plentiful. Cheese slices, never cheddar, because it was too expensive. I could go on. But you know what I remember most? Never feeling deprived and that was in large part to my mom. My siblings and I were healthy, happy, smart and well loved. We were raised to be capable, figure shit out, and get shit done, and above all to help others. My mom did so much with way less than I have now. And she constantly helped those around her. From neighbours that couldn’t look after or feed their children, to incarcerated people without a family of their own, to all of our friends growing up, as well as their families, if it was called for. My mom was selfless in so many ways. It would be a dishonour for me to be any other way!

      And while times may be uncertain, I am not afraid of our impending future with this virus, I know the human spirit, in me, and in others, is what will bring us through (except the lady who purposely hit me with her cart, I don’t want nothing to do with that spirit!), but until we come through the other side…I got you! 

You need dinner from scratch? Give me a call. 
You need bread? I’ll bake you some!
You need a homemade non-toxic recipe to clean your house and your hands? I’m your girl!
Homemade shampoo recipe?  I got that too!
You need behaviour intervention or ideas to occupy your kids… or you need me to create a grade appropriate lesson to be delivered via Skype?... Excellent I’ll get started….
You’re in a tight spot and aren’t sure what to do? Call me, I can probably help!

       Listen, I got gifts that I will not apologize for. And I wouldn’t have them if they weren’t meant to be shared! 

         So again, whatever you need…..I got you…..’cause that is how my mama raised me!


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